Top 10 Men’s Worst Fashion Mistakes
Men’s Fashion Mistakes
At some point in our life we’ve looked back at old photos and thought “what on earth am I wearing”.
You try to make it sound better to children (or younger family members) by saying “it was all the range at the time” but we all know you could have perhaps taken a second look at yourself in the mirror and thought “you look like a fool”.
Forget what you looked like back then, were about to give you the low-down on the top 10 fashion, no, no’s, to make sure that doesn’t happen a second time around!
Crocs have to be the biggest all-time fashion crisis. Usually spotted on a man who would rather dress for comfort than style, you can guarantee that you won’t be one with the ladies with a pair of these on your feet.
Ok, they may be ridiculously comfy, but holding potentially the worst all time reputation for a pair of shoes is it really worth it?
Man Bun
Usually spotted in Ibiza or other various party islands, we’re not sad to say that the man bun’s day has been and gone.
Instead, the ponytail seems to have taken over with the likes of Zayn Malick sporting one.
Unless you’re a small toddler, or working on a farm, it’s completely unacceptable to be wearing dungarees.
Opt for a pair of fitted jeans and a black t-shirt for day-to-day attire. You’ll thank us later.
Socks and Sandals
No, no, no, no, no and no. This combination may even be worse than wearing crocs. Why wear open toe shoes, with a garment that covers your feet? This is madness.
Instead, wear your sandals with pride, sock-less!

Tommy Hilfiger Midnight Corporate Flag Pool Side Flip Flops
Transition Lenses
If you wear specs you may think transition lenses are the way forward, sunglasses and specs all-in-one, how can you go wrong, right? Wrong. Transition lenses are another practical item that never quite made it into the fashion ranks.
Instead purchase a pair of prescription sunglasses from your local opticians. These will help you to see clearly whilst looking good at the same time.
Man Cleavage
The notorious deep V neck tees that are often spotted on Geordie Shore have inevitably made “man cleavage” a “thing. However we think you should reserve your pecs for the beach.
We can guarantee you’ll look better in a pair of jeans and a tight white t-shirt.
Chokers for Men
Auditioning for a part in a 90’s boy-band? Great, wear a choker.
Travelling the world and want to fit in with the rest of the free-spirited hippies? Great wear a choker.
You get where we’re coming from here.
Too Skinny Ties
The fashion of tie sizes fluctuates as often as the weather but wearing a tie that’s too skinny will do nothing for your shape or your outfit.
If you’re looking for a tie to wear to work a mid-sized tie would do the trick. If you’re looking for a tie that will make more of a fashion statement then a skinny square-ended tie would be perfect.
Super Long Beards
A beard is for life, not just for Movember, and in general beards are great!
They’re very much a hipster trend at the moment and done correctly can really make the look you’re going for. However, if the beard is too long, the look you so eagerly desired could also break.
With the new range of men’s grooming products around at the moment to help you look after your facial hair there is no reason why you can’t be a well-kept man. Give it a trim and be pleasing to the eye.
Man Uggs
Pugs over drugs right – or should that have been Uggs?
Even though the likes of Ben Affleck, Pharrell Williams and Justin Timberlake have all rocked an Ugg boot in their time – we feel their day has come and gone. Bye-bye Uggs, it was nice knowing you.
So, there you have it gentlemen. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.